As an auditing company registered with the audit supervisory authority, we carry out limited and ordinary audits. We would be pleased to advise you in connection with a possible outing out.
Limited audit
We carry out limited audits in accordance with the Swiss Standard on Limited Statutory Examination. A limited audit mainly involves making inquiries, applying analytical procedures and performing detailed examinations that are appropriate in the circumstances. In contrast to the ordinary audit, this type of audit does not include the examination of operational processes and the internal control system, nor surveys and other audit procedures to detect criminal acts. The audit opinion is therefore negative due to the smaller scope of the audit.
Ordinary audit
In accordance with Swiss law and Swiss auditing standards, we conduct ordinary audits. In contrast to the limited audit, the ordinary audit has a larger scope of audit. The examiner thus has more certainty and gives a positive test result
Foundation, capital increase, capital reduction and special audits
In connection with qualified foundations and capital increases, we examine the corresponding financial statements. An audit is necessary if, in the course of the foundation or capital increase, contributions in kind are made or acquisitions in kind are intended, founder benefits are granted or the payment is made by offsetting. In the case of constitutive capital reductions, our audit report states that the claims of creditors are fully covered despite the reduction in capital. In accordance with Art. 697a CO, we conduct special audits and report on the results.
Reviews and agreed audit procedures
In accordance with the Swiss Auditing Standard, we conduct reviews and agreed upon audit procedures. Reviews are often commissioned in connection with interim financial statements, individual financial statements as part of the audit of consolidated financial statements, and financial statements or financial information for a specific occasion. Agreed audit procedures are defined with the customer to report on the relevant findings. The individual audit items are thus agreed with the customer in advance.
Further information
Cyril Heer is available to answer your questions at 032 613 20 30 or cyril.heer(at)