Tax consulting for private individuals in Grenchen
We support you in the context of the annual tax return for the cantons of Solothurn and help you to analyse your tax situation and point out any potential for optimisation within the framework of long-term tax planning.
Grenchner tax return
At your request, we can easily extend the deadline for submitting the tax forms. You will receive a checklist for compiling the tax documents. We will then fill out your tax forms for the cantons of Solothurn and Berne. We check your assessment and your tax bill. You will be informed by us about possible adjustments by the tax authorities.
Tax planning for Grenchner tax clients
Our tax planning does not only cover income and wealth taxes, we also answer your questions about property gains tax, inheritance and gift taxes and reclaiming foreign withholding taxes.
Property gains tax Solothurn
Property gains tax Berne
We assist in filling out the declaration for real estate profit tax and advise in connection with inheritance, advance withdrawal of inheritance and gifts as well as in the course of restructuring and replacement purchases.
Further information
Contact us now for an initial consultation at 032 613 20 30 or mark.ruefenacht(at)